The Journal

The Doctor Is Back for her Doctor Who 3-Month-Old Photos! Remember that adorable little Doctor, Blake, from the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Newborn Shoot? Well, she’s back, and this time as the newest little Doctor! I had the opportunity to do her Doctor Who 3-month-old photos, and oh my goodness, look at how much she’s […]

Creative, Theme

January 7, 2021

Doctor Who 3-Month-Old Photos

The Secret To Success It’s the time of year that we start thinking of New Year’s Resolutions, and just about everyone has at least one! Lose weight, eat healthier, get fit, spend less money, get out of debt, repair relationships, find a new relationship… the list could go on forever! It’s fairly common knowledge that […]

Blog, Featured, Personal

January 2, 2021

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions (and other goals)

Supporting Small, Local Businesses I always want to do my part in supporting small, local businesses, and especially those local to me! I’m a small business myself, so I know how hard it is to make it work and how much goes into making your business the very best! This year, though, has been especially […]

Blog, Business, Holiday

December 27, 2020

10 Days of Giveaways with Small, Local Businesses!

My job is always pretty awesome, but sometimes I get to be a part of something so incredibly amazing that it just blows my mind!

Birth, Blog

December 8, 2020

Home Birth Photo Shoot

I’m pretty sure the Ingrams have taken loving Christmas movies to a whole new level!

Blog, Creative, Family, Holiday, Theme

November 24, 2020

A Christmas Story- Ingram Family STYLE!!!

November is the season of gratitude…but I think this year it’s especially important to take some time to focus on the good. So here is a list of five things I’m grateful for this year!

Blog, Family, Holiday, Personal

November 24, 2020

What Are You Thankful For?

The first weekend of The Santa Claus Experience 2020 is over, and oh my goodness it was amazing! In fact, it was SO GOOD that I was able to convince Santa to come back for more! He’ll be here on November 23rd and December 2nd. Let me know if you’d like to book your spot! […]

Blog, Business, event, Holiday

November 22, 2020

Santa Surprises!

What if all the upheaval could mean we actually appreciate our holidays together MORE? Here is a list of ways we can make this 2020 holiday season one of our most magical seasons yet!

Blog, Holiday

November 3, 2020

10 Ways To Make This Holiday Season Magical

This little one is growing so fast! It seems like just yesterday I was shooting the reveal session! How cute is she? She is the youngest of three, and trust me, her two older brothers are just as adorable! I had a bunch of fun at this shoot and I can’t wait for her 6 […]

Blog, Newborn

October 28, 2020

Little Miss Evelyn- 3 month old

  In order to get photos to promote my Santa Claus Experience, I needed to actually DO the experience with a few kiddos! I decided that one of the best ways to tell you about the experience was for you to hear about it directly from the kids. The first installment of Interview With A […]

Blog, Creative, event, Holiday, Theme, Uncategorized

October 26, 2020

Interview With A Kid- The Santa Claus Experience

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